Profiting from Inflation: Commodities as a Powerful Hedging Strategy
Sudden inflation spikes are presenting a real and present danger to investors. Amidst the concern, there is immense uncertainty as to what strategies are available to mitigate risks and protect the value of portfolios. Commodities are an effective way to add uncorrelated inflation protection that allows investors to maintain their traditional fixed income and equity investments. Commodities not only safeguard investors with an uncorrelated overlay; they also perform well in inflationary environments. There is no doubt that this asset class offers a tremendous opportunity right now.
Learning Objectives:
- The 2021 outlook for inflation and commodities
- Commodities as an effective inflation hedging strategy
- The preeminent way to access commodity markets to address portfolio concerns
- An overview of expected performance and returns
Speaker Panel:
Jeffrey R. Currie, Global Head of Commodities Research, Global Investment Research (GIR) Division, Goldman Sachs Group Inc
David Carter, Chief Investment Officer, Lenox Wealth Advisors
Jeffrey Weiss, Co-Founder and Managing Member, Colter Lewis