The Eye of the Storm: Generating yield through investing in alternative Fixed Income assets.
Whilst FI products have historically been considered a safe haven for portfolios, the current low-rate environment has caused some investors to rethink their approaches. Yet even as traditional FI products are appearing less appealing, opportunities for generating high yield can still be offered by alternative assets and the investors who know how to best approach these.
Join this session as we focus on:
- Assessing the current state of FI investments with regards to: risk minimisation and yield generation
- Reviewing alternative FI asset classes that can outperform in this market and explaining their dynamics
- Practical strategies for navigating the low rate environment, and prepare your portfolio for future changes
Juan Carlos Lara
Executive Director
Point5 Family Office
Thomas Bonds
Former CEO
Corporate America Credit Union
Rod Jones
Former Managing Director — Global Client Group
Steve Dunavant
Adjunct Professor and Former Managing Director
Christian Brothers University & CBIZ MHM